Theatre Department

Program Information

Director: Mr. Andrew Whitehead


Room #159

Courses Offered

Theatre Arts I

Theatre Arts I develops and applies performance skills through access to basic vocal, physical and emotional exercises including improvisation, scene study, and related technical art forms. This course also serves as a prerequisite for Advanced Drama.

Advanced Drama - Audition Required

Advanced Drama introduces the acting process and the role of the actor in various styles/methods with a focus on scene study. Stresses developing imagination, observation, concentration powers, and self-discipline. Includes developing physical and vocal control while transmitting emotions, convictions, and ideas; enhances self-confidence and self-awareness. Theatre is used as a means to encourage cooperative learning, teamwork, organization, and leadership skills. The class allows all students the opportunity to perform on a regular basis.

2021-2022 Season


Edgar Allen Poe Afterlife Radio Show

Bethel Park Falls

Wilde Tales

Recommended Reading for Girls